In the winter-semester 2022 / 2023, the Innovation Lab Big Data Science was again held by the Department of Statistics. In this year, we worked on two data-science projects:


The Connectome project aims to provide a platform for medical practitioners to detect disconnectivity in individual patient connectomes and predict the probability of a neurological disorder. The prototype creates connectivity matrices from fMRI images via Schaefer2018_Parcellations atlas, trains a graph convolutional network on UK Biobank data and encodes the image to an embedding space. A prototype binary classifier is implemented to detect anomalous connectomes (to be trained further). Results can be evaluated with a probability of anomalous connectome as well as visualizations of brain region connectivity and the patients' connectivity matrix. The project also includes a front-end and back-end so it can be easily web-hosted.



Due to a lack of the information about the entire production chain of cultured meat, lack of flexibility and interactivity, lack of statistical tools that provide a good entry point for interested people and lack of cross-country comparison of the industry, the project team created – under the supervision of the project partners Katharina Brenner and Manuel Bauder (Adea Biotech) – a web application that uses an open-source data set from GFI to solve these problems. This web application allows the users to have an overview of the cultured meat market which includes statistical plots, the distribution of cultured meat companies worldwide, and the distribution of cultured meat companies in the cultured meat value chain. As partnerships across the value chain play an important role in this new industry, this web app helps its users to find potential partners/collaborators.
