A group of students worked together with Green City EV, analyzing accessibility for residents of the city of Munich with respect to several modes of public transportation. As a result, students created an interactive dashboard that visualized access to public transportation on a borough-level and allowed for analyzing the influence of so-called ‘mobility stations’, hubs where public transport and private transport (carsharing, bikesharing) are brought together.
A group of two students developed the open-source software ‘ggparty’. ggparty is a successful extension for the famous R package ‘ggplot2’, which allows for visualization of tree-structured models from the ‘partykit’ package. It provides the necessary tools to create clearly structured and highly customizable visualizations for tree-objects of the class ‘party’.
During teaching, it is often vital to be able to visualize properties of machine learning algorithms in order for students to be able to better understand their inner workings. Two students worked on the mlr playground, a webapp that lets the users ‘play’ with machine learning models for education. More information can be found on the project website.